Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Little Help, Please...

 The Wild Things Have Moved In

While the kids were away, Mike painted a monster sized mural on Shea and Egan's bedroom wall.  Unfortunately, we are uncertain of what to do with the rest of the room.  We're going for a look that is  intentional and planned (neither is true, Mike just  wanted to let out the wild artist in him).

We are really hoping our viewers will have some good ideas to pull the room together.

Here are our current thoughts:  We have three large red metal buckets (one is hidden in the corner of the top photo) that hold the boys toys.  Surprising to us, the red makes a good accent color.  What if we had wide red stripes alternating with the cream in the bathroom???  Long red drapes with a leather valance on the 3 windows (one window is not pictured)???  Black iron or wooden twin beds  for the boys???  Any  ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Post your comments and let us know what you think.