Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Shea

  This week enclosed the day Shea has been anticipating for months.  Tuesday, the 17th, Shea turned 7.

A couple of presents were opened to get Shea through the day
His special day started off with homemade cinnamon rolls and a couple of appetizer presents.
Shea riding his new scooter

 Lisa and Egan joined Shea at school for lunch to bring good cheer to Shea and a birthday treat for his class.

Egan in front of the school

 Kickball at recess

Waiting to kick the ball

Run, Shea, Run

Out at home

After school, Shea's skills were tested at Karate class.  He broke a piece of wood with his bare foot and moved up to a yellow belt.

Bend those knees!

Testing for a belt up-grade

Back at home, Shea get's his long awaited family birthday celebration.

The week ended by celebrating with family and friends.